This is the complete list of members for vcfpp::BcfHeader, including all inherited members.
addContig(const std::string &id) | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
addFILTER(const std::string &id, const std::string &description) | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
addFORMAT(const std::string &id, const std::string &number, const std::string &type, const std::string &description) | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
addINFO(const std::string &id, const std::string &number, const std::string &type, const std::string &description) | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
addLine(const std::string &str) | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
addSample(const std::string &sample) const | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
asString() const | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
BcfHeader() (defined in vcfpp::BcfHeader) | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
BcfReader (defined in vcfpp::BcfHeader) | vcfpp::BcfHeader | friend |
BcfRecord (defined in vcfpp::BcfHeader) | vcfpp::BcfHeader | friend |
BcfWriter (defined in vcfpp::BcfHeader) | vcfpp::BcfHeader | friend |
getFormatType(std::string tag) const | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
getSamples() const | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
getSeqnames() const | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
nSamples() const | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
operator<<(std::ostream &out, const BcfHeader &h) | vcfpp::BcfHeader | friend |
removeContig(std::string tag) const | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
removeFilter(std::string tag) const | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
removeFormat(std::string tag) const | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
removeInfo(std::string tag) const | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
setSamples(const std::string &samples) const | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
setVersion(const std::string &version) const | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
updateSamples(const std::string &samples) | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |
~BcfHeader() (defined in vcfpp::BcfHeader) | vcfpp::BcfHeader | inline |