This is the complete list of members for vcfpp::BcfRecord, including all inherited members.
addLineFromString(const std::string &vcfline) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
allINFO() | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
allPhased() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
ALT() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
asString() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
BcfReader (defined in vcfpp::BcfRecord) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | friend |
BcfRecord() | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
BcfRecord(BcfHeader &h) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
BcfWriter (defined in vcfpp::BcfRecord) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | friend |
CHROM() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
End() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
FILTER() | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
getFORMAT(std::string tag, T &v) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
getFORMAT(std::string tag, std::vector< std::string > &v) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
getGenotypes(T &v) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
getGenotypes(std::vector< int > &v) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
getINFO(std::string tag, T &v) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
getINFO(std::string tag, T &v) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
getINFO(std::string tag, T &v) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
gtPhase | vcfpp::BcfRecord | |
hasBND() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
hasDEL() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
hasINDEL() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
hasINS() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
hasMNP() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
hasOTHER() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
hasOVERLAP() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
hasSNP() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
ID() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
initHeader(BcfHeader &h) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
isGenoMissing | vcfpp::BcfRecord | |
isIndel() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
isMultiAllelics() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
isMultiAllelicSNP() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
isNoneMissing() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
isSNP() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
isSV() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
operator<<(std::ostream &out, const BcfRecord &v) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | friend |
ploidy() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
POS() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
QUAL() | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
REF() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
removeFORMAT(std::string tag) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
removeINFO(std::string tag) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
resetHeader(BcfHeader &h) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
setCHR(const std::string &s) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
setFILTER(const std::string &s) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
setFORMAT(std::string tag, const T &v) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
setFORMAT(std::string tag, const T &v) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
setGenotypes(const std::vector< int > &v) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
setID(const std::string &s) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
setINFO(std::string tag, const T &v) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
setINFO(std::string tag, const T &v) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
setPhasing(const std::vector< char > &v) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
setPloidy(int v) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
setPOS(int64_t p) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
setQUAL(float q) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
setQUAL(char q) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
setRefAlt(const std::string &s) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
Start() const | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
swap_REF_ALT() | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |
typeOfGT | vcfpp::BcfRecord | |
~BcfRecord() (defined in vcfpp::BcfRecord) | vcfpp::BcfRecord | inline |